Posts Tagged ‘Networked city’

Digitalt byliv – Oslo, 24. May
This spring we are organising a conference in Oslo called ‘Digitalt byliv’ (meaning ‘digital urban life’). The conference looks at the possibilities and challenges posed by digital technologies in urban life and has an impressive line up of local and international speakers.

Playful 2012 – ‘Means of production’
Einar has been in London to talk at Playful 2012; a conference about design, games and technology organized by Mudlark. His talk ‘Means of production’ has been turned into a blogpost.

Projects inspired by ‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’
The film ‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’ has inspired a wide range of projects from designers and technologists from various fields. In this blogpost we look at how the concepts, visual language and techniques from the film have been taken up by other practitioners.

London and network friction
Einar have spent a week in London. Strolling, photographing, lecturing and experiencing the city’s particular kind of networked friction.

Revealed by snow and ice
Recently I rediscovered a series of photos I took around Oslo last winter. It was one of the coldest winter in quite some time. Yet again we are in the middle of the season of snow-covered roofs and glacial streets. The photos reminded me how Oslo is truly a bi-seasonal city.

Noticing the city
Last week I put on a Systems/Layers walkshop on networked urbanism, to remind us all to look more up and down and to notice and question the manifestations of the network and it’s cultural implications.